Sitemap - 2020 - The Single Supplement

Life lessons from a very different year

The biggest lesson from my worst ever Christmas? Scotch eggs are not a substantial meal.

The ultimate gift guide for single women

The ultimate gift guide for single women

"What is it with you and Christmas trees?"

"What is it with you and Christmas trees?"

What do you miss most about life before? I miss Friday nights with my friends

What do you miss most about life before? I miss Friday nights with my friends

Dea Nicola, should I continue my nomadic life abroad or come home to settle down?

What's sweeter than my solitude? (by Alya Mooro)

What's sweeter than my solitude? (by Alya Mooro)

Dear Nicola, it's hard to stay positive about being single when life is on pause.

Me, myself and my body image: a neverending rollercoaster

Me, myself and my body image: a neverending rollercoaster

Learning to be alone ended up being the most transformative lesson I ever had (Q&A with Francesca Specter)

Why I'm going to be carving out time to do special things on my own this winter

Why I'm going to be carving out time to do special things on my own this winter

'Everything is really bad ... and this is the most perfect time'

'Everything is really bad ... and this is the most perfect time'

Dear Nicola, I've had an accident but don't want to start relying on others for help

What it’s like to be a solo mum-to-be during the pandemic (by Dominique Afacan)

What it’s like to be a solo mum-to-be during the pandemic (by Dominique Afacan)

I accidentally got 450 people to tell me their love stories and it made me want to go back to bed

I accidentally got 450 people to tell me their love stories and it made me want to go back to bed

Tonight's the night for The Single Supplement party

Dear Nicola, I am ready to settle down with a lovely man but I don't know how to find one

The ultimate list of films about single women if you need some escapism during this prolonged crisis

The ultimate list of single-friendly films if you need some escapism during this prolonged crisis

Dear Nicola, I'm 27 and have never been in a relationship

Happy Birthday to me and the Single Supplement – and why I am feeling pretty rubbish right now

Happy Birthday to me and the Single Supplement – and why I am feeling pretty rubbish right now

The stigma of being a young divorcee (By Emma Reynolds)

The stigma of being a young divorcee (By Emma Reynolds)

You're invited to a special party!

All I want for the next lockdown is a cat of my own

Why we should all be doing a little more friendship matchmaking

Why we should all be doing a little more friendship matchmaking

Dear Nicola, I am thinking of leaving London but I'm worried I'll be lonely

"I don’t want to be the “missing piece” of someone else’s puzzle"

Dear Nicola, I'm sick of being asked about my love life by relatives

The power of male friendships (by Miranda Larbi)

The power of male friendships (by Miranda Larbi)

Dear Nicola, my friends are all in relationships and no longer have any time for me.

Why going to Morocco on my own will always be one of my greatest life achievements

Why going to Morocco on my own will always be one of my greatest life achievements

Why are there so few films where the lead character is single and actually fine about it?

Why are there so few films where the lead character is single and actually fine about it?

Dear Nicola: I've been alone so long, is it OK that I can't be bothered to date?

Moving house as a single woman and the lessons I am learning about myself

Moving house as a single woman and the lessons I am learning about myself

Dear Nicola: I want to get my own place but I'm scared of feeling lonely

Being single and living alone can be amazing but let's not forget the mental load

Being single and living alone can be amazing but let's not forget the mental load

My second adolescence (by Kylie Noble)

My second adolescence (by Kylie Noble)

I wish I could tell my younger self that it’s actually OK to be single (Q&A with Abiola Bello)

"I’ve gone this long being single so I don’t want to just get with some wasteman."

"I’ve gone this long being single so I don’t want to just get with some wasteman."

Pick me, choose me, rent to me

Pick me, choose me, rent to me

How a little taste of freedom made me feel like myself again

The single experience isn’t one size fits all

The single experience isn’t one size fits all

All I ever wanted was to wear the "hat of belonging"

All I ever wanted was to wear the "hat of belonging"

What just happened? And what now?

What just happened? And what now?

Single, Black, Female (by Tola Fisher)

Single, Black, Female (by Tola Fisher)

Knowing there are options means you make better choices (Q&A with Genevieve Roberts)

Is 35 the very worst age to be single?

Is 35 the very worst age to be single?

The first time I felt ashamed for not having a boyfriend

“Why think of our former lives as reality and this as something else?"

"Why think of our former lives as reality and this as something else?"

When you realise you're not ready for lockdown to be over

Why you should become a paid subscriber of The Single Supplement

Everybody has something in them that they are scared about

Girl, stand in your own power (and a special announcement)

Why it's sometimes harder to make big life decisions alone

Why does living with parents make me behave like a naughty teenager?

What I learned from my grandmothers

Why it's so powerful to know you're not alone

The anxiety comes in waves (Q&A with Tiffany Philippou)

Ah, look at all the lonely people

You should close this newsletter down and other lies shame tells me.

How it feels to watch a show like Love Is Blind as a single woman

What a neon knitted hat taught me about making new friends

What a headline about Caroline Flack tells us about society

Where is the love when you're single?

How to look after yourself when there's no-one coming to rescue you

You too can feel as smug as me

"Cause I'm my own soulmate, I know how to love me."

Everybody's free to stop comparing themselves to everyone else

New year, new feelings of failure